Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I went away for four days and now all my plants are monsters...

The peppers grew a lot. Now we can actually see them!

Here is my little lettuce. I am very much looking forward to eating him.

Last time I saw these cucumbers, they were barely even out of the ground. Now they have big healthy looking leaves. The sad thing is that I will have to murder TWO of them!

Tomato is still teeny tiny. A little bigger, I think you can actually see him in this photo. There is also another one in there, and one of them will have to be murdered as well.

Look! Carrots! The string is dividing the pot so I didn't forget where I planted them in case they hadn't sprouted by today. I am experimenting with succession planting, which means I planted half 10 days ago, and I will plant the other half today. That way when I harvest them I don't have to eat them all at once.

Remember the bean sprouts? They are huge!

1 comment:

thesacredbandofthebes said...

I want a garden too! Too bad my apartment gets no light. I am growing sunflowers in a pot, but they're not doing too well, so I suspect veggies won't do well either.