Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Photos

Look! Beans!

The carrots are flourishing!

The cucumbers have their first flowers. But it is still not time to thin them.

Yummy lettuce!

The peppers seem to be doing very well. I think it is about time to pick the best one and get rid of the rest.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Look how big they are!

This is the lettuce. It seems to be doing quite well, growing new little leaves all the time.

This is a new addition. I have been wanting to grow mint for some time now, but have never been able to find mint seeds. Maybe mint doesn't grow from a seed, i dunno. It has square stems, I know that. So, anyway, I was walking down the street and I passed a plant store and I thought to myself, 'hey, that looks like mint'. So i walked over and felt the stem to see if it was round or square and it was square, so I knew it was a mint. It is a peppermint, and it came in a paper carton that made it impossible to water and Target didn't have any small pots for me to put it in, but I did have an empty coffee can, so I pounded some holes in it and planted it in there. Voila. (I think I like it best of all, and it smells good!)

My nasturtium is doing lovely. It really loves the light.

Herbs seem to be doing ok. Something has finally sprouted in the Thyme section. Also, I planted some more chives in there, but haven't seen any coming up.

Check out the cucumbers! The little baby leaves are dying and falling off and they are growing new real cucumber leaves. I was worried for a little bit that there was something wrong, but it seems this is just the way cucumbers work.

Here's my two little tomato plants. Still very small. But finally getting a little bit bigger...

Carrots! Old ones in back, young ones in front. I have no idea how to tell when I should pull them up.

Peppers are looking lovely.

Beans are still monsters. They are losing some leaves, as well.

The basil and the aloe and the lemon trees are all still doing fine. They just haven't changed much since the last time you saw them, so I didn't bother with a photo.

Fungus Gnat Infestation

AHHHHH! There are TONS of little fungus gnats flying around my plants. I've been killing them in the mornings when they are all looking out the window by spraying them with windex. There is a fungus gnat graveyard on the window ledge. Today I took more steps in the war against them. I've put a piece of raw potato on each plant for the larvae to move into tonight while i sleep. i also put tape along that ledge so the adult gnats will get trapped and die. I have been drying out my plants to keep the larvae from developing so I can kill them with hydrogen peroxide, but a few were looking awfully thirsty, so i watered those with hydrogen peroxide today (one part 3% H2O2 to 4 parts water, in case you need to do this, too). They fizzed. It was neat. I REALLY hope this gets rid of them and I can love them again some more. I did take some more pictures, maybe I will post them tomorrow. The veggies seem to be doing quite well.